This site does not represent the views of
Bear with us while we get this organized. This site does not represent the views of http://videogum.com/
Send submissions to christophertrashomon@gmail.com
Send tips to tips@videogum.com if they are not posted there, wait a while & send them to iamlizzing@gmail.com
Take care, Stay Awesome.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
I'd Hit That: Paul Rudd
This week, I have decided to go with a fella who is on my "Top 5." He goes by the name of Paul Rudd. Let's discuss...
One of the things that makes Paul Rudd so great is that he has the ultimate combo going for him--funny and sexy! The funniness just makes him even sexier! Crack a joke, Paul, and I get a lady boner. Yeah, I said it. Deal with it.

Friday, December 24, 2010
Videogum 2010 Song Contest: The MIxtape
Monsters are creative and such,
No Paparazzo-O: Déjà Suvari
Hey Kids!
There hasn't been much celeb-spotting as of late, as you may have noticed. My guess is that it's because they're all on holiday in St. Barthes or wherever it is they go to be photographed trotting along on beaches in their tiny bathing suits while sipping Appletinis and swimming with dolphins. They wouldn't be caught dead in stinky L.A. during Christmas. No way! Well I have three words for them: Worst. Beach. Bodies. I hope your cellulite winds up on the cover of Star magazine, jerks!
Anyway, I totally saw a celebrity today, gang! Except it was Mena Suvari, and I've already seen her, as you'll recall, at the Somewhere premiere earlier this month. She looked about the same as this:
There hasn't been much celeb-spotting as of late, as you may have noticed. My guess is that it's because they're all on holiday in St. Barthes or wherever it is they go to be photographed trotting along on beaches in their tiny bathing suits while sipping Appletinis and swimming with dolphins. They wouldn't be caught dead in stinky L.A. during Christmas. No way! Well I have three words for them: Worst. Beach. Bodies. I hope your cellulite winds up on the cover of Star magazine, jerks!
Anyway, I totally saw a celebrity today, gang! Except it was Mena Suvari, and I've already seen her, as you'll recall, at the Somewhere premiere earlier this month. She looked about the same as this:
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Johan Ludvig Runeberg Day VG Monster meetup
What are you doing for Runeberg Day? Join the monsters as they eat Runeberg's torte and likely get drunk while talking about the latest dancing animal!
RSVP here or on Facebook at:
Johan Ludvig Runeberg Day VG meetup
Gums Of Our Lives: Episode 5
Just Desserts pulled up in front of a dilapidated house on an otherwise barren road. He walked up the overgrown path and reached the front door. Above it read “1537.” He tried the bell, but heard no sound, so he knocked on the door. He heard shuffling and banging from deep within the house, then a series of large, imposing footsteps as they reached the door.
“What’s the password?” Growled a voice from behind.
“Kisses and Lyes,” replied Just Desserts.
A series of bolts were unlocked and the door swung open.
“Just Desserts,” the man behind the door stated.
“Paper Street Soap Company.”
Paper Street stepped out of the shadows and offered his hand. Just Desserts took it and smiled.
“It’s good to see you, you enormous blue-haired Kurt Vonnegut-looking motherfucker.”
“Yeah, yeah. Good to see you too. Come on in.”
They entered the foyer, if you could call it that. Paper Street turned to him.
“So what brings you to my humble abode?” He asked.
“I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve gotten mixed up in something crazy. I need to disappear for a while.”
“What’s her name?”
“How’d you know it was a girl?”
“With you, Just Desserts. It’s always a girl.”
Inside The Monsters Studio: Chris Trash
Hey look! It’s almost Christmas! Santa has brought you all a wonderful shiny new edition of Inside The Monsters Studio! This time I sat down with Chris Trash, event coordinator extraordinaire. Does he have anything worthwhile to say? Let’s find out!
Videogum name: Chris Trash
Videogum avatar: Man dancing with black cat, black cat with funny hat, huge cat shadow, etc
Real name (optional): Dave Trash
Location: Chicago
Favorite sitcom (excluding Arrested Development): all time full house, current community
Favorite wing flavor: buffalo, but I prefer tenders
Karaoke song of choice: Tender by Blur
Worst movie you’ve ever seen: A history of violenc
Q. Mr. Trash, you change profile pictures often, and now you have no picture at all? What’s up with that?
Videogum name: Chris Trash
Videogum avatar: Man dancing with black cat, black cat with funny hat, huge cat shadow, etc
Real name (optional): Dave Trash
Location: Chicago
Favorite sitcom (excluding Arrested Development): all time full house, current community
Favorite wing flavor: buffalo, but I prefer tenders
Karaoke song of choice: Tender by Blur
Worst movie you’ve ever seen: A history of violenc
Q. Mr. Trash, you change profile pictures often, and now you have no picture at all? What’s up with that?
My Life Is Twilight: I'm Dreaming Of A Bite Christmas (Sorry)

I'm not Twi-Hard, I just play one on my blog.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monster Tumblrs and Blogs
updated 3/12/11
Latest draft of a tumblr/blog list. Please send me your tumblr/blog or suggestions for other monsters and contributers at werttrew99@yahoo.com or @werttrew me on Twitter.
Please be sure to give me 1) your name (or the suggested person's name) on Videogum, 2) the tumblr link, and 3) a one-to-five word description of the tumblr's content. Just "commentary" or "personal" is fine.
I’ve already added a brief description of the content of each tumblr I've added so far—please send me a note of a better description of your tumblr if you wish, but no more than five words long, please. I’m essentially using “Commentary” as the default, adding “Personal” if it seems like the person talks about their own life a bit.
***Next to recent additions
Abacus Finch http://sanslegumes.tumblr.com/ Personal/commentary
An American Patriot http://anamericanpatriot.tumblr.com/ Advice
Aniktwo http://frostypeaches.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Backstagebethy http://backstagebethy.tumblr.com/ Commentary
bingo gas station (with powlsy and underweareyes) deafenestrate.com Album cover reviews
boddah http://satelliteee.tumblr.com/ 'things/music/pictures I like'
***bradofarrell http://bradofarrell.tumblr.com/ pokemon, gay stuff, commentary
briadru4 http://briadru4.tumblr.com/ Personal/commentary
Brrrrrian http://theunimpressive.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Capu Flapu and the Spasmatic Pentagrams http://wasp-nest.tumblr.com/ "Less Wordy Elitist Musical Gubbins"
Caringiscool http://caringiscool.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Carrie http://kirious.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
Chris Trash http://christrash.tumblr.com/ Personal/Advice
***clockworkrobots http://queensnknaves.tumblr.com/ "absurdity, miscellany, and gifs"
Creamofthecrop http://tonguelash.tumblr.com/ "commentary/personal/humor/awe/nonsense" Cupisacup http://cupisacup.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
dafs http://dafotology.tumblr.com/ personal/commentary
The Dependent Clause (formerly the Defeatery) http://thedependentclause.tumblr.com/ personal/commentary
Dr girlfriend dazzlingcallowpeople.tumblr.com “cheap austin events”
Ds3m http://ds3m.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
Duncan http://facesinthesand.tumblr.com/ “A whole load of personal crap.”
Dylanmorgan http://dylanmorgan.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Electric Koala http://coffeemilkmoustache.tumblr.com/ "Music/Banter Blog"
Electro Lemon http://demiadejuyigbe.tumblr.com/ "Panini reviews and/or nonsense."
Etwb http://louisathome.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
Facetaco http://bmwreport.tumblr.com/ Commentary on Boy Meets World
faviator allthatnoiseforfeeling.tumblr.com --- personal/educational
fozzie: woefullymisinformed.tumblr.com. "Things I think are cool or funny."
Funkles http://situationtomedy.tumblr.com/ Humor/Commentary
Gabe http://gabrieldelahaye.tumblr.com/ Humor
Godsauce http://godsauce.tumblr.com/ Humor/Commentary
Huckabeast http://huckabeast.tumblr.com/ "it's mostly personal stuff"
Imsoexcited & Thisismynightmare http://thatsyourstatusupdate.tumblr.com/ "bad status updates"
Ignition remix http://notveryraven.tumblr.com/ “It is just dumb jokes.”
itta_yonina http://sexsaxandsequels.tumblr.com/ “Commentary on bad movies.”
incredimarc http://incredimarc.com/ Personal/commentary
JasonRyanfilms http://jasonryanblog.tumblr.com/ Personal/commentary
Joefry http://joepuglisi.com/ Commentary
Josh is like Germany ambitious and misunderstood. http://letmeworryaboutblank.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
KajusX & Chainsaws http://www.karlsavage.com/ Personal/artblog
K-Hud http://kellyhudson.blogspot.com/ "Nerdy Cincy girl lives life."
Langford http://www.langfordoversaw.blogspot.com/ “I post whatever.”
Lengli http://lengli.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Lindsay Robertson http://lindsayrobertson.tumblr.com/ Humor
Liz http://brakattack.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Lizzing http://spongeworthy.tumblr.com/ Dating humor
Mans http://cavecitysink.tumblr.com/ Observations and various thoughts.
Meaverly http://meaverly.tumblr.com/ Mostly “terrible personal blathering.”
melsanie http://hotbritishmen.tumblr.com/ “Hot British men.”
melsanie http://melsanie.tumblr.com/ "Commentary and general awesomeness."
***merrywanderer http://www.tomorrowampersand.tumblr.com/ "image panoply"
Niamh http://neavers.tumblr.com/ Commentary
nudelman http://britters.tumblr.com/ “Music, laffs, photos”
Patrick M. http://recursivebee.blogspot.com/ “fictionish”
Pizza http://pizzakari.tumblr.com/ “Verne Troyer on scooter, mostly”
poolboypip http://waynesbasement.tumblr.com/ “A nerdy pop culture shmorgasboard!”
powlsy (with bingo gas station and underweareyes) deafenestrate.com Album cover reviews
Professor Pushups hmwt.tumblr.com Commentary
Raymond’s Mother http://raymondsmother.wordpress.com/ Commentary/Personal
Rb http://pollyannapositive.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
shanks for nothin http://shanksfornothing.tumblr.com/ Commentary
shellbomber http://frecklejuicer.tumblr.com/ "Doofus tries to GOOP"
Slothdrop http://andthennothingblog.tumblr.com/ Photography, and the occasional story.
super! http://www.babydentures.com/ Commentary
the wurst http://andysteaparty.tumblr.com/ “Band stuff/local events.”
underweareyes (with bingo gas station and powlsy) deafenestrate.com Album cover reviews
Thisismynightmare & Imsoexcitedhttp://thatsyourstatusupdate.tumblr.com/ "bad status updates"
Werttrew http://werttrew.tumblr.com/ Videogum archives
Zachary Little http://zaclittle.tumblr.com/ “My animated show/ Twilight blog”
Latest draft of a tumblr/blog list. Please send me your tumblr/blog or suggestions for other monsters and contributers at werttrew99@yahoo.com or @werttrew me on Twitter.
Please be sure to give me 1) your name (or the suggested person's name) on Videogum, 2) the tumblr link, and 3) a one-to-five word description of the tumblr's content. Just "commentary" or "personal" is fine.
I’ve already added a brief description of the content of each tumblr I've added so far—please send me a note of a better description of your tumblr if you wish, but no more than five words long, please. I’m essentially using “Commentary” as the default, adding “Personal” if it seems like the person talks about their own life a bit.
***Next to recent additions
Abacus Finch http://sanslegumes.tumblr.com/ Personal/commentary
An American Patriot http://anamericanpatriot.tumblr.com/ Advice
Aniktwo http://frostypeaches.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Backstagebethy http://backstagebethy.tumblr.com/ Commentary
bingo gas station (with powlsy and underweareyes) deafenestrate.com Album cover reviews
boddah http://satelliteee.tumblr.com/ 'things/music/pictures I like'
***bradofarrell http://bradofarrell.tumblr.com/ pokemon, gay stuff, commentary
briadru4 http://briadru4.tumblr.com/ Personal/commentary
Brrrrrian http://theunimpressive.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Capu Flapu and the Spasmatic Pentagrams http://wasp-nest.tumblr.com/ "Less Wordy Elitist Musical Gubbins"
Caringiscool http://caringiscool.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Carrie http://kirious.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
Chris Trash http://christrash.tumblr.com/ Personal/Advice
***clockworkrobots http://queensnknaves.tumblr.com/ "absurdity, miscellany, and gifs"
Creamofthecrop http://tonguelash.tumblr.com/ "commentary/personal/humor/awe/nonsense" Cupisacup http://cupisacup.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
dafs http://dafotology.tumblr.com/ personal/commentary
The Dependent Clause (formerly the Defeatery) http://thedependentclause.tumblr.com/ personal/commentary
Dr girlfriend dazzlingcallowpeople.tumblr.com “cheap austin events”
Ds3m http://ds3m.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
Duncan http://facesinthesand.tumblr.com/ “A whole load of personal crap.”
Dylanmorgan http://dylanmorgan.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Electric Koala http://coffeemilkmoustache.tumblr.com/ "Music/Banter Blog"
Electro Lemon http://demiadejuyigbe.tumblr.com/ "Panini reviews and/or nonsense."
Etwb http://louisathome.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
Facetaco http://bmwreport.tumblr.com/ Commentary on Boy Meets World
faviator allthatnoiseforfeeling.tumblr.com --- personal/educational
fozzie: woefullymisinformed.tumblr.com. "Things I think are cool or funny."
Funkles http://situationtomedy.tumblr.com/ Humor/Commentary
Gabe http://gabrieldelahaye.tumblr.com/ Humor
Godsauce http://godsauce.tumblr.com/ Humor/Commentary
Huckabeast http://huckabeast.tumblr.com/ "it's mostly personal stuff"
Imsoexcited & Thisismynightmare http://thatsyourstatusupdate.tumblr.com/ "bad status updates"
Ignition remix http://notveryraven.tumblr.com/ “It is just dumb jokes.”
itta_yonina http://sexsaxandsequels.tumblr.com/ “Commentary on bad movies.”
incredimarc http://incredimarc.com/ Personal/commentary
JasonRyanfilms http://jasonryanblog.tumblr.com/ Personal/commentary
Joefry http://joepuglisi.com/ Commentary
Josh is like Germany ambitious and misunderstood. http://letmeworryaboutblank.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
KajusX & Chainsaws http://www.karlsavage.com/ Personal/artblog
K-Hud http://kellyhudson.blogspot.com/ "Nerdy Cincy girl lives life."
Langford http://www.langfordoversaw.blogspot.com/ “I post whatever.”
Lengli http://lengli.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Lindsay Robertson http://lindsayrobertson.tumblr.com/ Humor
Liz http://brakattack.tumblr.com/ Commentary
Lizzing http://spongeworthy.tumblr.com/ Dating humor
Mans http://cavecitysink.tumblr.com/ Observations and various thoughts.
Meaverly http://meaverly.tumblr.com/ Mostly “terrible personal blathering.”
melsanie http://hotbritishmen.tumblr.com/ “Hot British men.”
melsanie http://melsanie.tumblr.com/ "Commentary and general awesomeness."
***merrywanderer http://www.tomorrowampersand.tumblr.com/ "image panoply"
Niamh http://neavers.tumblr.com/ Commentary
nudelman http://britters.tumblr.com/ “Music, laffs, photos”
Patrick M. http://recursivebee.blogspot.com/ “fictionish”
Pizza http://pizzakari.tumblr.com/ “Verne Troyer on scooter, mostly”
poolboypip http://waynesbasement.tumblr.com/ “A nerdy pop culture shmorgasboard!”
powlsy (with bingo gas station and underweareyes) deafenestrate.com Album cover reviews
Professor Pushups hmwt.tumblr.com Commentary
Raymond’s Mother http://raymondsmother.wordpress.com/ Commentary/Personal
Rb http://pollyannapositive.tumblr.com/ Personal/Commentary
shanks for nothin http://shanksfornothing.tumblr.com/ Commentary
shellbomber http://frecklejuicer.tumblr.com/ "Doofus tries to GOOP"
Slothdrop http://andthennothingblog.tumblr.com/ Photography, and the occasional story.
super! http://www.babydentures.com/ Commentary
the wurst http://andysteaparty.tumblr.com/ “Band stuff/local events.”
underweareyes (with bingo gas station and powlsy) deafenestrate.com Album cover reviews
Thisismynightmare & Imsoexcitedhttp://thatsyourstatusupdate.tumblr.com/ "bad status updates"
Werttrew http://werttrew.tumblr.com/ Videogum archives
Zachary Little http://zaclittle.tumblr.com/ “My animated show/ Twilight blog”
Hey everyone! I'm a graphic designer by trade, but I like to do a lot of stuff on the side just to keep busy and keep my skills up. A great way to do this (and save money in the process) is to make gifts for people around birthdays and Christmas. I thought I'd share with you all my work.
This is a poster I did for my brother and his new fiance. It's from an engagement photo, but the day was kind of crappy, so I decided to dress it up and and keep it simple. I hope they like it!

Black Swan Movie Club Discussion
So I am a little late with the Black Swan Movie Club Summary. Sorry about that but, hopefully, it gave everyone a little more time to see the movie. I'm not really great at writing but one thing I am good at is scouring the internet for gifs. So after the break, my review of Black Swan told through Black Swan gifs.
There may be spoilers in the gifs so don't click through unless you have already seen the movie or don't care about spoilers.
There may be spoilers in the gifs so don't click through unless you have already seen the movie or don't care about spoilers.
Announcing the first Annual Pinkgum Destination Meetup
During the second weekend in June the women of Videogum Commentation will descent upon Las Vegas. Are you a fellow monster or lurker? Join us! More details to come soon.
Pinkgum is open to us, women only, to minimize chance of creepy commentator encounters. There might be a related, shorter, Las Vegas Meetup open to everyone if enough local monsters show interests.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monster X-Mas: The Song
Okay y'all, so I made a Christmas song for all you monsters out there. It's not the best recording ever, but you know what? I'm not lawblog! Garageband might as well be Korean Trigonometry to me! So get off my case already, yeesh.
Anywhooooo, find the link below. Hope you all enjoy!
Also, here are the lyrics:
Monday, December 20, 2010
Announcing the People's Gummies & Mans' Best Books he's read in 2010
Do you like best of lists? Liar! Everyone likes best of lists. Let me tell you about... fine fine I'll hurry it up. OK, so much like the People's Choice is the people's equivalent to the Oscars, The People's Gummies will be the Nick Kid's Choice to the Gummies. We are asking you, yes YOU, the monsters to vote on your 5 favorite movies, albums & books you've read in 2010* You don't have to list all 5 in all 3 categories for your vote to be counted, but why not? Really?
How it works: Post your lists right here in the comments & we'll add them up and announce the winners at a latter date. Number them 1-5, a six entry will not be counted. Awesome right? Well get voting, you don't want this list comprised solely of my choices.
*The five movies & albums have to be from 2010, the books need only to be read by you in 2010 to qualify. Not sure how this would work?
Voting ends on Dec. 26.
Still hungry for lists? check out Mans's list of the 10 best books he's read in 2010:
Monsters are creative and such
Good afternoon my peeps, check this out:
O.G. Commentator Becca wrote a piece about depression and comedy titled The Deppresive's Guide to Comedy The piece is very well written and it covers a lot of range with content from some of your favorite comedians along with some you will be glad to discover. It's a tough but beautiful piece that, I'm sure, a lot of us can relate to.
You know another thing we can relate to? Topic changes. Which is why monster The Wurst wants to share with you his fully licensed cover of Mariah Carey's All I want for Christmas is YOU!!!!??? (sorry about the exclamation points, I'm new to blogging). There you can also download his band's EP if you enter your email address. (I received an assurance of no spammo)
Speaking of winter songs, check out some winter jams from a music collective which features our own Faviator. they are also playing a few shows in the Chicago area during the next few weeks, so be sure to check that out.
Chris Trash,
Monsters are creative and such,
The Wurst
Now THAT is funny.
In the fantasy football draft of the human experience I am drafting “funny” first overall and whoever is drafting second can draft “love” or “family” and make me look like a total asshole. I am absolutely comfortable being an asshole.
The other day I tweeted our friend Fozzy that I wanted a zombie-joke to be etched on my tombstone. He tweeted back promising to sing November Raaaiiiiinnn at my funeral. There are no words to describe how happy this made me. We were, of course, joking but actually NO, I do want those things! I want Fozzy to sing a zombie song at my funeral! I want Gabe to come and say “Kel died. Get it? You get. Ding dong! Go to bed, Kel’s corpse. The grieving family needs to RELAX.” I want Werttrew to post an animated gif on my coffin whilst carrying Notsewfast in a baby bjorn. I want Teacherman to rhyme “carcass” with “ruckus” in a #ripkelrap. I want CakeorDeath to say “’Could Kel BE any more dead?’ – Badandler Ching.” I want Baby Friday to say something that is so adorably funny that I have to re-die all over again. Make this shit happen! If you don’t, I am going to haunt the fuck out of all of you from the afterlife.
The point being: humor is the center of my life on this barfy planet and in this segment I am going to be posting things that I find to be wildly funny and I hope you will enjoy them even a little bit as much as I do.
This week’s theme: Star Wars!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
MonsterGum DropBox
Hey Guys -
DS3M, your swashbuckler here, with a friendly reminder about downloading and piracy:
You Shouldn't Do It. Buy Your Music. Be Legit. Thank You.
DS3M, your swashbuckler here, with a friendly reminder about downloading and piracy:
You Shouldn't Do It. Buy Your Music. Be Legit. Thank You.
I'd Hit That: Ryan Reynolds
This week we have a special edition of "I'd Hit That" featuring Ryan Reynolds. We will call it:
"I'm Single Now...LADIES"
"I'm Single Now...LADIES"

This week it was reported that Ryan has split from his wife Scarlett Johansson. However, in the past few days it has also been reported that the couple have been seen out and about together. We aren't going to worry about that though...
Monsters are creative and such
Check out some music from Faviator
She, along with other monsters, will be playing a show at Subterranean in Chicago this Tuesday.
Note: We will eventually have more elaborate posts on these, I just did a rushed one since the show is this Tuesday. Anyways, send me your links if you have stuff you want me to promote.
She, along with other monsters, will be playing a show at Subterranean in Chicago this Tuesday.
Note: We will eventually have more elaborate posts on these, I just did a rushed one since the show is this Tuesday. Anyways, send me your links if you have stuff you want me to promote.
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