NEW YORK ( - If the New York Jets don't win their big game on Sunday, fan pressure might force them to start looking for a new quarterback. But they might already have one.
On Saturday Tommy Wiseau, writer, director, producer and star of the cult film The Room announced his plans to audition for the Jets in 2011-2012.
Wiseau was reached for comment, and explained his desire to play in the NFL. "Oh hi, Xave. When we shot The Room, I'd never projectiled a football before. They don't have footballs in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where I'm born." Wiseau went on to explain that the throwing motion felt "ultraly natural" and he knew "in a lightning" that he had an instinctive gift for the game.
"It feels the same way it did when I start making movies - like something I was born to do. I just have pure natural gift. But with football I think it's even morer." Wiseau's preferred position? "The sports guy that throws to the other sports guys. Nickelback, I think. Like the orchestra."